Deeper ReflectionSpiritual gifts are ministry abilities given and empowered by God’s
Spirit in each Christian. The Apostle Paul described such abilities
as “
the manifestation of the Spirit” (v.7). There are four key
truths to note.
First, spiritual gift(s) are given to each Christian as
a matter of God’s gracious choice – “to each is given” (v.7) by the Holy
Spirit “who apportions to each one individually as He wills” (v.11). Since
these gifts of “God’s varied grace” (1 Pet 4:10) are given to Christians by
God’s gracious choice, we should not compare or compete with one another.
Instead, we should celebrate one another and our respective gifts.
Second, there are various spiritual gifts. The lists of gifts found
here and elsewhere in the New Testament
23 are non-identical, differently
categorised and non-exhaustive. While each Christian has at least one
gift, none has all the gifts. Therefore, we need one another. With mutual
respect and honour, let us collaborate with one another using our
complementary gifts to serve God.
Third, spiritual gifts are empowered by God (vv.6, 11). Christians
cannot properly exercise their gifts independently from God. We must
prayerfully depend on God; His Spirit provides us the needed words,
wisdom, knowledge, faith, power, discernment and strength.
Fourth, spiritual gifts are to be used for God’s purposes and glory –
“for the common good” (v.7), “to serve one another” (1 Pet 4:10) and “in order
that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ” (1 Pet 4:11).
24 To
be “good stewards” (1 Pet 4:10) who
serve and glorify God, we must use
our gifts to build up God’s people and proclaim Christ to unbelievers.
23 See also Romans 12:4-8; Ephesians 4:11-13.
24 Spiritual gifts are never meant for personal gain through the pursuit of wealth, fame, power, authority, or glory for self or family. For all glory and dominion rightfully belong to God alone forever and ever (1 Pet 4:11).