Worship is at the heart of discipleship! We worship a big God! We express our worship personally through the way we live our lives.
At our weekly services, the Worship ministry leads the people in expressing our worship as a collective body through our spiritual gifts – music and creative arts. As we worship and glorify God, we are strengthened in our discipleship so we may be sent out as His disciplemakers.
Come serve together with us in the choir, children’s choir, or as a dancer, musician, worship vocalist or as part of the audio-visual tech crew.
If you would like to get involved, click here.
“History belongs to the intercessors” (Walter Wink). When God moves in history, He does so through the prayers of His people. God invites us to partner with Him for the fulfilment of His global disciplemaking agenda and become more like Jesus, our great and constant intercessor along the way. (Hebrews 7:25)
Covenant EFC’s prayer life is powered by the twin engines of intimacy and intercession. At the heart of intimacy is ministering to God before ministering to others. That is our spiritual birth right and privilege as His royal priesthood. It means spending unhurried time with God, with no agenda. This can be very counter-cultural in our fast-paced and high-performance world, even for His disciples. At the heart of intercession is calling on God before trying other options. The early Church was birthed through prayer, sustained through prayer, and multiplied through prayer. We can plant the seed, we can even water it, but only God gives the increase (1 Cor 3:16). And He does it in answer to prayer!
In addition to the regular prayer platforms such as the monthly CG Prayer and Praise to grow and be discipled in prayer, there are also opportunities to serve as intercessors and altar ministers in the Prayer ministry.
If you would like to get involved, click here.
The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) comes from the Lord Jesus Himself, who calls us to make disciples of all nations. The Outreach ministry aims to inspire, equip and provide platforms for Covenanters to express God’s love through relational evangelism, nurturing new believers, and blessing the community for Christ.
One of our key vehicles for relational evangelism is Alpha. The sessions provide a safe, welcoming space for non-believing family and friends to ask questions about the Christian faith. For our friends who come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour for the first time, it then becomes our duty to nurture and strengthen them by helping them build foundations for their new faith.
The Outreach ministry also spurs Covenanters to love the community for Christ through a variety of service opportunities. We organise storytelling programmes for children in the neighbourhood, befriending disadvantaged individuals and families, and escort individuals in need to medical appointments.
Email: alpha@cefc.org.sg (Alpha) and commbless@cefc.org.sg (Community Blessing).
Click here to check out our Community Blessings Facebook page, or click here to join our Telegram group for opportunities to volunteer.
Disciplemaking requires intentional equipping and empowering so that we may grow and live out our distinctive calling to be disciplemakers. In this transformational journey to be “a certain kind” of disciple, we desire to grow Covenanters holistically – from head to heart to hands.
As an intentional disciplemaking church, Covenant EFC believes that everyone who is a disciple of Christ is also called to make disciples of Christ. Our small groups, called Covenant Groups (CGs), are the essential base for disciplemaking, where much of the discipleship and disciplemaking takes place.
Our CGs are covenantal communities, comprising followers of Jesus, who embrace their identities as both authentic disciples and intentional disciplemakers. By this, we purpose to follow Jesus, and to help others to follow Jesus. As spiritual communities, then, we covenant together to grow in spiritual maturity, and to practice spiritual multiplication of our lives in the lives of others. The CG community is therefore every member’s primary circle of spiritual family, pastoral care, fellowship and ministry to one another.
What are our CGs like? We have groups who are journeying together through the same life stage, as well as those more inter-generational in composition. CGs typically meet weekly in mutual commitment and accountability. The pastoral care of the CG is shepherded by a Zone Mentor, and zones are grouped under the spiritual covering of a District Mentor.
If you are new to us and would find out more about joining a CG, click here.
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What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?
What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?
Commit in prayer.
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