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The Mind-Blowing Mission of Jesus

Have you ever dared to tick off your boss or superior? I’m guessing that most of us would only do so only if absolutely necessary, and as an absolute last resort! Now, let’s take this further: what if the boss was the Lord Jesus Christ? The Gospel of Mark records for us a stunning incident […]

Meaning in the Midst of Disruption

Disruptions to our life are untimely and inconvenient. They break the flow of our plans, scheduled events and normal ways of doing things. We cannot do business as usual. We are forced to make changes and adapt. When the disruption is severe and unprecedented—as in the case of the present pandemic—our routines are broken, our […]

Rest in the Midst of Anxiety

God is the One who has given us life. He is our Creator. He is our Redeemer. He is our Saviour. God is the One who loves us. He is with us. He is for us. He is sanctifying us. God is the One who is in ultimate control. He is bringing all things to […]

Opportunities in the Midst of Loneliness

As a Christian, you may feel lonely, but you are not alone. When our Lord Jesus was thinking about His impending trials before the authorities and crucifixion on the cross, He knew that all His disciples will desert Him and leave Him alone. Yet Jesus knew that He was not alone, for the Father was […]

Trust in the Midst of Uncertainty

The future is very uncertain to us. Nobody knows when the COVID-19 pandemic will end. When will we be able to physically gather with friends and relatives again? Will we still have our current jobs and envisaged career paths? Should I close down my business and cut the heavy losses? What kind of education will […]

Security in the Midst of Loss

The kinds of loss people face include the loss of job, career, dreams, marriage, significance, health, loved ones, meaning, purpose and hope. The experience of loss is especially common to people everywhere as we find ourselves struggling to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Nations are doing our best to respond to this unprecedented crisis, but […]

How to Work from Home with Your Family and Still Obey the Sixth Commandment

In these tense times, our Family Life pastor takes a light-hearted look at how to survive working at home and still build flourishing relationships within the family. Many of us are working from home these days. Some are really happy about this — the ones with long commutes to work, for example. But I suspect the happiest ones are the true introverts – the ones for whom […]

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Daily Devo
Daily Devotional Journal
Sun, 31 December 2023

Sunday Journal

Past Week’s Review
  • What was my high point and my low point for the week?
  • What gave me life and what drained me?
  • How was the Spirit of God at work?

What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?


What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?
Commit in prayer.

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