Missions: An Outflow of Our Love Relationship with Jesus
“I’m having a revival in this land. Come join me.” These were the words that Dieu Eng Seng sensed God speaking to him in his spirit as he prayed for Nepal. He was on one of his first mission trips and as he heard the voice of the Lord, he saw a ray of light shining through the darkness, confirming God’s word to him.
Building His Church – Give
4 September 2022 All Centres Speaker: Rev Tony Yeo Click here
“If We Keep That All to Ourselves, We Simply Become a Well of Stagnant Water”
If you just moved to a new country with kids to settle in a new school, a new role at the workplace to get used to, and no house to call your own, would your family prioritise serving in a new church? A Covenanter couple share their journey of answering God’s call to serve.
God’s Gospel Community
26 June 2022 All Centres Speaker: Rev Tony Yeo Click here
Disciple the Generations: A Vital Village
Disciple the Generations: Viral Faith
Blessed by the Next Generation
#Covenantfaithstories from Generations Camp 2021
Disciple the Generations
CG Discussion Materials – January 2022
Dear Covenanters, In the month of January as we unpack over the pulpit the 3 Faith Exploits that God is leading Covenant EFC in, CG discussion materials will also be made available here. We pray for a blessed time as your CG discusses discipleship and disciplemaking where we are as we Prepare to Meet King […]