A Father Forever
The Transfiguration of Jesus
The account of Jesus’ transfiguration in Mark 9:2-13 makes a good script for the movies: dazzling lights, well-known personalities suddenly appearing out of nowhere, a mysterious cloud descending and a booming voice declaring Jesus as the “beloved” of God. Any observer would have been awed, frightened by the numinous scene unfolding before one’s very eyes. The three […]
The Mind-Blowing Mission of Jesus
Have you ever dared to tick off your boss or superior? I’m guessing that most of us would only do so only if absolutely necessary, and as an absolute last resort! Now, let’s take this further: what if the boss was the Lord Jesus Christ? The Gospel of Mark records for us a stunning incident […]
The God Who Helps Us
I attended a Christian secondary school that was guided by Christian values.
Calling God Father
Can we really call God our Father?