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A Life Pleasing to God (Part 2)

A Life Pleasing to God (Part II) Introduction How can we as a community of God’s people live a life pleasing to God? Two ways: A. EXCELLING IN OUR LOVE (vv.9-10) What is love for our Christian brothers and sisters? How can we “do this more and more” (v.10)? B. TESTIFYING THROUGH OUR CONDUCT (vv.11-12) What conduct […]

A Life Pleasing to God (Part 1)

A Life Pleasing to God (Part 1) Introduction The burning question Christians ask: What is God’s will for my life? “For this is the will of God, your sanctification…” (v.3a) How do we live a set-apart life that is pleasing to God? Three practical ways: A. WE MUST ABSTAIN FROM SEXUAL IMMORALITY (vv.1-3) “For this is […]

Knowing the End Game

Knowing The End Game Introduction Knowing the End Game is essentially about knowing what is ultimately important at the End. There are 4 key aspects of Paul’s prayer that gives us the End-Game Focus: A. THE END-GAME FOCUS ON GOD AS HE DIRECTS US “Now may our God and Father Himself, and our Lord Jesus, […]

What Keeps You Going?

What keeps you going? Introduction “For now we really live”… Two Facets of Disciplemaking: A. DISCIPLEMAKING WORK IS IMMENSELY JOYOUS (vv.6-9) B. DISCIPLEMAKING WORK IS INTENSELY DEMANDING (v.10) Conclusion We’ll be faithful to our calling.

Walking Towards Sunrise

WALKING TOWARDS SUNRISE Sunset or Sunrise? A. Walking Towards Sunset (24.13-24) Eyes were Closed Hopes were Dashed B. Turning Around (24.25-30) Scriptures were Opened Meal was Blessed C. Walking Towards Sunrise (24.31-35) Eyes were Opened Hearts were Warmed Westerly or Easterly Direction?

Why Is This Friday Good?

WHY IS THIS FRIDAY GOOD? Introduction Why is the death of our founder considered good? A. BECAUSE IT DEALS WITH THE INJUSTICE  IN THIS WORLD (vv.2–6)       B. BECAUSE IT REVEALS WHO WE REALLY ARE (vv.7–9) C. BECAUSE JESUS TOOK OUR PLACE IN CONDEMNATION (vv.10–11)   Conclusion Will this Friday be good for […]

Destined for Trouble

Destined for Trouble Introduction Suffering, affliction, trials and troubles are unavoidable part of discipleship. These are not due to Covid, sickness or crisis. As Christ-committed disciples, we are destined for trouble. How then do we face our troubles? There are two faith-building responses when troubles come: A. STRENGTHEN THE FAITH (vv.1-2) “… to establish and […]

How Then Should We Serve?

How Then Should We Serve?

HOW THEN SHOULD WE SERVE? Introduction We cannot meaningfully answer the question, “How then shall we live?” without meaningfully answering this question, “How then shall we serve?” To live meaningfully, we must serve faithfully. Why? For God has not called us to be merely Consumers, God has called us to be Contributors! A. WE ARE […]

Truth for Life

Truth for Life Introduction A. EMBRACE THE WORD. BE TRANSFORMED BY THE TRUTH. (v.13)   B. ENDURE IN OPPOSITION. ADVANCE THE TRUTH. (vv.14-16)   Conclusion

Wow! What a Messenger! (Part 2)

Wow! What a Messenger! (Part 2) Introduction Overview of 1 Thessalonians chapters 1 and 2 Twofold description of a Kingdom Gospel Messenger: A. WALK THE TALK (v.10) “You are witnesses, and God also, how holy and righteous and blameless was our conduct toward you believers.” B. TALK THE WALK (vv.11-12) “ … like a father with his […]

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Daily Devo
Daily Devotional Journal
Sun, 31 December 2023

Sunday Journal

Past Week’s Review
  • What was my high point and my low point for the week?
  • What gave me life and what drained me?
  • How was the Spirit of God at work?

What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?


What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?
Commit in prayer.

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