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The Marketplace Disciple’s Calling

The Marketplace Disciple’s Calling SCRIPTURE: Daniel 4-6 (WDL) Introduction A. We are called to SERVE RIGHTEOUSLY  “O Daniel, servant of the living God…” (6:20)    B. We are called to STAND FIRMLY  “Daniel became distinguished…because an excellent spirit was in him.” (6:3)    C. We are called to SHINE GLORIOUSLY “I make a decree, that in […]

Heart Wired to God

Heart Wired to God SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 26:1-25 Introduction A Heart Wired to God Is Seen in Our Willingness To:  A. Take the Higher Road — God Will Act for His Servants (vv.1-12) B. Give the Honour due — God Will Reward His Servants (vv.13-25) Conclusion

Hold Your Horses

Hold Your Horses SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 25:1-44 Introduction The Immense Temptations of David Two Intensely Difficult Christlike Responses: A. In Our Anger, Let Us Commit to God Not to Repay Evil for Evil  (vv.1-35) B. In Our Anger, Let Us Submit to God as the Final Judge (vv.36-44) Conclusion

Heart Work in the Wilderness

Heart Work in the Wilderness SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 24:1–22 Introduction God is at work in the wilderness. A. What does your HEART HEAR? (vv.1-6, 8-9 ) B. What will your HANDS DO? (vv.10-11, 16-19) C. Whom will your HEART TRUST? (vv.12-15 ) Conclusion

Find Strength in God

FIND STRENGTH IN GOD SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 23:15–29 Introduction The pursuit for David’s life (1 Sam 23:15) continued in the wilderness. How can we be strengthened in the wilderness? Two ways we are strengthened in the wilderness: A. Receive God’s Encouragement (1 Sam 23:15-18) “And Jonathan … went to David … and strengthened his hand […]

Four Things That Define a Godly Leader

Four Things That DeFINe a Godly Leader SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 23:1–14 Introduction What We Seek For What We Hope In What We Commit To What We Stand Upon Five Things the Storms of Life Reveal About Us Conclusion Reflection Questions (for CGs and families) “What we seek defines us.” What are you seeking after and […]

Into the Darkness

Into the Darkness SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 22:6–23 Introduction Our Sovereign God Is Still at Work (vv.6-19) Our God-Given Task Is Still Unfinished (vv.20-23) Conclusion Reflection Questions (for CGs and families) In what area of your life do you need to trust that God is still working to accomplish His purposes? How will you remain faithful […]

Into the Wilderness

Into the Wilderness

Into the Wilderness SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 21:1 – 22:5 Introduction In the wilderness: When You Feel ALONE, RUN to HIM Who Supplies Our Needs (21:1-9) When You Are AFRAID, REACH OUT to HIM Who Provides Our Escape (21:10-15) When You Are UNSURE, REJOICE in HIM Who Forms Our Future (22:1-5) Conclusion God is there with […]

Discipling the Remnant: God’s Unchanging Norms

Disciplinng the remnant

Discipling the Remnant: God’s Unchanging Norms SCRIPTURE: Genesis 13:1-15 Introduction Three Unchanging Norms: Exercise Courage to _______ (vv.1-4) “And he journeyed on … to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, … to the place where he had made an altar at the first.” (vv.3-4a) Prioritise _______ (vv.8-9) “Then Abram said to […]

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Daily Devo
Daily Devotional Journal
Sun, 31 December 2023

Sunday Journal

Past Week’s Review
  • What was my high point and my low point for the week?
  • What gave me life and what drained me?
  • How was the Spirit of God at work?

What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?


What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?
Commit in prayer.

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Download this General Fund for BPJ QR Code  and upload it to your banking app via your gallery/album. 

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