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HIStory, HIS Timing

Introduction:  What’s your relationship with history / history lessons? HIStory is His story! In Daniel 11, we see amazing historical correspondence up till verse 40. We need to ask, what do the events in 2nd century Palestine have to do with me, a Singaporean living in the 21st century?   Three Reflections on HIStory from […]

HIStory, HIS Timing

Introduction Battles and prophecies in Daniel 11 are not just historical; they remind us that as history unfolds it is not just a train of events but God is in control because it is HIS-Story and HIS timing. As people of God, we can take heart because: A. THE ENEMIES OF THE KINGDOM ARE LIMITED […]


Two theological anchors that enable us to thrive in the midst of the unseen conflict: A. RECOGNISE THE SPIRITUAL REALITY OF THE CONFLICT (vv.13; 20-21)     1. It is cosmic (Gen 3)     2. It is complex (2 Cor 2:11)     3. It is conclusive (Col 2:15)    B. RESPOND WITH SPIRITUAL RELIANCE IN […]


Introduction A. A WORLD UNSEEN  B. AN ADVERSARY UNMASKED (Gen 3, Eph 6:10-12)  C. A VICTORY LIVED (Eph 6:10-20)  Conclusion Next Week’s Topic: Daniel 11 Thematic Next Week’s Speaker: Benjamin Sun


Introduction 1. Caught by surprise!  2. Daniel 10 reveals the war — in the seen and unseen world A. THE GREATEST WORLD WE LIVE IN — UNSEEN (vv.12– 13; 20–21)  B. THE GREATEST WEAPON AGAINST US — DECEPTION (Eph 6:11; Jn 8:44)  C. THE GREATEST WAY FORWARD — PRAYER (vv.2–3, 12; Rev 8:3–5; Eph 6:17b–19)  Conclusion   Reflection […]


Introduction 1. Big Picture: Establishing a Missional Church … 2. Focus: The 3 Key Anchors in Being a Missional Christian A. GET MISSION CLEAR“Go therefore and make disciples …” (Matt 28:18-20) B. BE MISSION READY“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness …” (Matt 6:33)  C. STAY MISSION TRUE“And the things you have heard of me […]


Introduction 1. Big Picture: Establishing a Missional Church … 2. Focus: The 3 Key Anchors in Being a Missional Christian A. GET MISSIONAL CLEAR“Go therefore and make disciples …” (Matt 28:18-20) B. BE MISSION READY“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness …” (Matt 6:33)  C. STAY MISSION TRUE“And the things you have heard from me […]


Introduction 1. Big Picture: Establishing a Missional Church … 2. Focus: The 3 Key Anchors in Being a Missional Christian A. GET MISSION CLEAR “Go therefore and make disciples …” (Matt 28:18-20) B. BE MISSION READY“SEEK FIRST the KINGDOM of God and His RIGHTEOUSNESS..” (Matt 6:33)  C. STAY MISSION TRUE“And the things you have heard from me … […]


Introduction Two unshakable assurances as the Father sends us: A. THERE IS UNPRECEDENTED PEACE IN THE GOSPEL (vv.19-21)“Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” (v.21)  B. THERE IS UNSTOPPABLE POWER IN THE GOSPEL (vv.22-23)“He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit…’” (v.22)  ConclusionLet’s finish […]


Introduction Two unshakable assurances as the Father sends us into the world: A. THE UNPRECEDENTED PEACE IN THE GOSPEL (vv.19-21)“Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” (v.21)  B. THE UNSTOPPABLE POWER OF THE SPIRIT (vv.22-23)“He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit…’” (v.22)  ConclusionCall […]

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Daily Devo
Daily Devotional Journal
Sun, 31 December 2023

Sunday Journal

Past Week’s Review
  • What was my high point and my low point for the week?
  • What gave me life and what drained me?
  • How was the Spirit of God at work?

What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?


What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?
Commit in prayer.

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