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Disciple Singapore: Reaching Our Neighbours

IntroductionWe reach our neighbours by: A. LOVING THEM UNRESERVEDLY (Lev 19:9-18) “… love your neighbor as yourself; I am the Lord.” (v.18) B. SERVING THEM TIRELESSLY (Gal 5:13–14, 6:9–10) “… but serve one another through love.” (5:13) “Let us not get tired of doing good …” (6:9)   Conclusion Next Week’s Topic: Disciple Singapore — […]

Pray for the Land: Disciple Singapore

IntroductionTwo key aspects for prayer this season: A. PRAY FOR OUR CIVIL AUTHORITIES (v.2)   B. PRAY FOR OUR SPIRITUAL PIETY (vv.2-4)   Conclusion Next Week’s Topic: Disciple Singapore: Reaching Our NeighboursNext Week’s Speakers: Ps Lee Da-Win (BPJ), Rev Dr Chua Chung Kai (WDL) & Rev Sharon Fong (East)

Pray for the Land: Disciple Singapore

Introduction 1. Public worship and instructions 2. The need of prayer — two groups of people to pray for: A. PRAY FOR ALL RULERS (v.2) B. PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF ALL PEOPLE (v.4) Conclusion Next Week’s Topic: Disciple Singapore: Reaching Our NeighboursNext Week’s Speakers: Ps Lee Da-Win (BPJ), Rev Dr Chua Chung Kai (WDL) […]

Pray for the Land: Disciple Singapore

IntroductionFirst of all A. PRAY FOR ALL PEOPLE   B. PRAY FOR ALL IN HIGH POSITIONS   ConclusionOur Savior desires all people to be saved. Next Week’s Topic: Disciple Singapore: Reaching Our NeighboursNext Week’s Speakers: Ps Lee Da-Win (BPJ), Rev Dr Chua Chung Kai (WDL) & Rev Sharon Fong (East)

Idolatry in Our Modern World

Introduction A. WE ARE PRONE TO IDOLATRY (Lev 17:3-5; 18:21; 20:2) B. WE PURSUE WHAT WE REALLY LOVE (Lev 19:4) C. WE ARE REDEEMED FOR THE ONE KING (Exo 20:2-6; Psa 115:4-8) Conclusion Next Week’s Topic: Disciple Singapore: Praying for the LandNext Week’s Speakers: Rev Edmund Wong (BPJ), Rev Tan Kay Kiong (WDL) & Rev […]

Idolatry in Our Modern World

Introduction Recap of Lev 17-20 Overview A. WE MUST WORSHIP THE LORD ONLY “You shall be holy for I the LORD your God am holy.” – Leviticus 19:2   B. YET WE ARE PRONE TO IDOLATRY “Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves any gods of cast metal…” – Leviticus 19:4   C. […]

Idolatry in Our Modern World

Introduction A cautionary tale To confront idolatry today we must recognise that: A. OUR WORSHIP BELONGS TO GOD ALONE “Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves any gods of cast metal: I am the Lord your God… ” – Leviticus 19:4 B. OUR LOVE CENTRES ON GOD ALONE “… but you shall love your […]

The God of Everyday Holiness

Introduction God’s people must be holy in their everyday living, because in His laws, God reveals Himself to be: A. THE SOURCE OF ALL LIFE (Lev 17) B. THE PROTECTOR OF EVERY FAMILY (Lev 18) C. THE LORD OF EVERY ARENA OF LIFE (Lev 19) D. THE JUDGE OF ALL SIN (Lev 20) Conclusion Next […]

The God of Everyday Holiness

Introduction  1. Overview and recap 2. Two overriding principles: A. HOLY LIVING REQUIRES US TO BE UNDIVIDED AND WORSHIP GOD EXCLUSIVELY (Lev 17) B. HOLY LIVING REQUIRES US TO BE UNTAINTED AND WORSHIP GOD WHOLISTICALLY (Lev 18–20)    Conclusion Next Week’s Topic: Idolatry in Our Modern WorldNext Week’s Speakers: Ps Dr Stacey Tay (BPJ), Ps […]

The God of Everyday Holiness

Introduction  We live holy lives when we: A. WORSHIP OUR JEALOUS GOD (Lev 17)    B. FOLLOW OUR WONDERFUL CREATOR (Lev 18)   C. IMITATE OUR LOVING KING (Lev 19)   D. FEAR OUR RIGHTEOUS JUDGE (Lev 20)   Conclusion Next Week’s Topic: Idolatry in Our Modern WorldNext Week’s Speakers: Ps Dr Stacey Tay (BPJ), […]

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Daily Devo
Daily Devotional Journal
Sun, 31 December 2023

Sunday Journal

Past Week’s Review
  • What was my high point and my low point for the week?
  • What gave me life and what drained me?
  • How was the Spirit of God at work?

What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?


What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?
Commit in prayer.

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