1. “Who is smarter?” and “Who is more spiritual?”
2. Spirituality of Righteousness
Three illustrations —
Almsgiving, Prayer, Fasting
1. Radical Nature of the Kingdom (5:1-12)
2. Radical Calling (5:13-16)
3. Radical Righteousness
- Part 1. In relation to the Law (5:17-48)
- Part 2. In relation to Spirituality (6:1-18)
Today’s Focus – The Lord’s Prayer!
Seven Elements in the Lord’s Prayer:
The First Element: “Our Father (who is) in Heaven”
- A Sacred Consciousness!
The Second Element: “Hallowed be Your name”
- A Sacred Awe!
The Third Element: “Your kingdom come, Your will be done …”
- A Worthy Purpose!
The Fourth Element: “Give us this day our daily bread”
- A True Security!
The Fifth Element: “Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors”
- A Blessed Posture!
The Sixth Element: “Lead us not into temptation”
- A Godly Breakthrough!
The Seventh Element: “For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory.”
- A Glorious End-Game!
Going “ALL IN!”
Next Week’s Topic: Matthew 6:19-33
Next Week’s Speakers: Speaker(s): Rev Kirk Tan (BPJ), Rev Sandra Chi (WDL) & Rev Sharon Fong (East)