Who we are

Beyond a local neighbourhood church, Covenant EFC is a called and missional community of believers. What started out as a promise of the Lord to Covenant EFC many years ago, in the 80’s through the verse Isaiah 60:22, has not only become reality, but has now become Covenant EFC’s impetus for missional growth as an intentional disciplemaking church and movement.

We believe that disciplemaking is the core mission of the Church. As a spiritual family, we spur on one another in our walk with Christ. We discover and use our spiritual gifts to serve and build our community, so that together, we may glorify God and live out our mission to win the world for Christ

Covenant EFC is a family consisting of three worship centres, a central equipping and corporate centre, New Life Community Services (a mid-size charity with IPC status), a regional Missions organisation, and the Global Alliance of Intentional Disciple Making Churches.

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Returning the Church to its disciplemaking roots through authentic discipleship and intentional disciplemaking so as to reproduce disciples of a certain kind and to multiply them to win the world for Christ!

** A certain kind is a Christ-mastered kind with depth in grace, growth, and godliness who seeks God’s empowering
to fulfil God’s will in God’s timing, for God’s glory.


To build an IDMC model so as to launch an IDMC movement so as to catalyse a multiplication of Intentional disciplemaking Churches to fulfill the Great Commission Mandate.

God has given us a vision to not merely make disciples but to disciple the nations – a local church with a global impact. Beyond building an IDMC in Covenant EFC, we are called to spearhead and catalyse an IDMC movement across the world.

The greatest need of the world is hope. This hope is found in the Gospel of Christ. The appointed carrier of the Gospel is the Church. The greatest need of the Church is leadership; and the most strategic way to develop leaders is through intentional mentoring! This mentoring legacy is Covenant’s distinctive as captured by our church slogan:

Authentic Discipleship.
Intentional Disciplemaking.

Meet our Leaders

Tony Yeo

Reverend Tony Yeo

Reverend Tony Yeo is the Senior Pastor of Covenant Evangelical Free Church. His passion for leadership development through disciplemaking and mentoring is witnessed in the 31 years of his faithful

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SP Tan Kay Kiong

Reverend Tan Kay Kiong

Reverend Tan Kay Kiong is the Senior Pastor of Covenant Evangelical Free Church. He is a Shepherd-Leader at heart who loves to see people discover their full potential in God.

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Dr Chua Chung Kai

Reverend Dr Chua Chung Kai

Reverend Doctor Chua Chung Kai is Associate Pastor of Covenant Evangelical Free Church (Covenant EFC). He serves in the Senior Pastor’s Office, currently directing the Generations ministries.

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Matthew Lo

Reverend Matthew Lo

Reverend Matthew Lo is the East Centre Overseer and Worship Director. At age 15, while listening to a radio documentary on homeless youth, the Lord called Him to work among

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Liu Hock Choy

Elder Liu Hock Choy

Elder Liu Hock Choy is the Director of Operations in Covenant Evangelical Free Church (Covenant EFC). He serves in the Senior Pastor’s Office and oversees the operational functions of the

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The Global Alliance of Intentional Disciple Making Churches, GA in short, is born out of Covenant’s distinctive calling and vision to play a part in returning the Church to her disciple-making roots. God is a global God, and His Church is a global Church. GA is Covenant’s global IDMC missions work and contribution to the global kingdom of God.

Global Alliance


New Life was birthed out of Covenant’s burden, desire and vision to not merely be situated in a local neighbourhood, but to in and a part of the neighbourhood as a vitally contributing and serving neighbour open to all in the local community. As such, New Life Community Services is Covenant’s present and active face and hands wherever Covenant is located in and beyond.

New Life Community Services

Our Values

visible values


is the very basis of our being. We are here because of the grace of God. Two things can be said: Grace must first be received before we can give it. Only when we have received grace, are we able to give grace. When we recognise our own brokenness and how the Lord still graciously pours His love upon our lives – we grow to be gracious people.

visible values


is an outcome of grace. True grace does not lead us to lethargy nor indulgence, rather to diligent growth. God’s grace in our lives allows us to be ourselves and even more than ourselves. It is stewarding our lives in such a way that we mature towards all that our Lord intends us to be.

visible values


is what we aspire to be. To be godly means to live our lives with reference to God – where God becomes the centre of all we are and what we do; and with deference to God – where we choose His will and His direction over our preference.

core values


Centred Upon the Word of God
(Psalm 119:160)

We believe the most important world that we live in is the unseen world – and the most precious commodity in the unseen world is truth. This truth is revealed in the Word of God. Thus, we are committed to the Bible as the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God, and as the sole authority governing our lives.

core values


Centred Upon the Worship of God
(Acts 2:42-47)

We believe that true biblical community begins when we relate rightly with God and with each other. While reality does not depend on human constructs, our perception of reality is often influenced by our surroundings. Hence, life change best happens within the context of small group community.  

core values


Centred Upon the Will of God
(1 Corinthians 4:1-2)

We believe that we are primarily not owners but stewards, and our resources are to be stewarded in context of God’s calling for us. This stewardship is two-fold – the stewardship of the Gospel and the stewardship of our resources.

core values


Centred Upon the Wisdom of God
(Ecclesiastes 7:18)

We believe that we must ride the tensions of life’s complexities with compassion and discerning wisdom. This wisdom comes from above. Thus, in a world prone to extremes, we seek a biblical balance.

core values


Centred Upon the Way of God
(Psalm 51:17)

We value brokenness as a church. We heed Jesus’ call to a discipleship of humility, brokenness and surrender. The way of the Cross is to follow the way of dying to ourselves, denying our rights, and of absolute surrender to the will of God.

Our Journey

Emmanuel Christian Fellowship started with just 17 members in 1978, the smallest of the Evangelical Free Church (EFC) churches. Without a building to call our own, we worshipped in theatres, restaurants and even members’ homes.

Despite having to move from place to place, our numbers grew. In 1992, we were renamed Covenant Evangelical Free Church as a reflection of God’s promise of salvation.

Today, by God’s grace, we are the largest EFC church in Singapore. Every week, we welcome 6,000 members and visitors at our three Centres at Bukit Panjang, Woodlands and Changi, and via our online services. A testament to God’s faithfulness, Bukit Panjang and Woodlands Centres were realised through our members’ contributions and without bank loans.

In 2001, we had our first IDMC Conferences, which continues to attract delegates from over 20 countries. Answering God’s call to leave behind a disciplemaking legacy, Rev Edmund Chan launched the global alliance of IDMC in 2008, comprising like-minded churches committed to making disciples of all nations.

Church Board

Amos Leong


Amos is a business partner in a biotechnology company and serves on the boards of a few government agencies. He accepted Christ in 1978, was baptised in Emmanuel House, and has been worshipping at Covenant EFC with his family since 2002. He has been a Church Board Member since 2015 and was elected as Church Board Chairman by the Church Board in 2023. He also chairs the Human Resource Committee and is a member of the Global Alliance of IDMC Board. He had served as a Mentor for The Next Generation (TNG) and Covenant Young Adult Network (CYAN). He is presently serving as Zone Mentor and Marriage Preparation Course Mentor. He is married to Susan and blessed with two children, Sarah and Joshua.

Council of Elders

(From left to right) Elder Roger Loh, Elder Tony Tan, Senior Pastor Rev Tony Yeo, Board Chairman Elder Amos Leong, Senior Pastor Rev Tan Kay Kiong, Elder Dr Louis Tan, Elder Patrick Lim

Church Board

Top (from left to right): Deacon Sean Foo (Treasurer), Deacon Justin Fun, Deaconess Mavis Siew, Deaconess Yvonne Cheong, Deacon Irwin See, Deaconess Lee Kit Pui, Deacon Patrick Yeo, Deacon Oliver Loke

Middle (from left to right): Deacon Jeremiah Lo, Deacon Paul Liu (Elder-Designate), Deacon Nelson Tan (Elder-Designate), Deaconess Guok Suan Choo (Elder-Designate), Elder Liu Hock Choy, Deacon James Satchy, Deacon Chan Mun Bin (Secretary)

Front (from left to right): Elder Roger Loh, Elder Tony Tan, Senior Pastor Rev Tony Yeo, Board Chairman Elder Amos Leong, Senior Pastor Rev Tan Kay Kiong, Elder Patrick Lim

Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God that reveals His will for the salvation of men, and the final authority for all Christian faith and life.

We believe in one God existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins then arose from the dead and ascended into heaven, where He now is our High Priest and Advocate.

We believe the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus Christ, convict men, and guide, instruct and empower the believer.

We believe that man was created in the Image of God, but fell into sin. Only through renewal in the Holy Spirit can we gain salvation.

We believe that the blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only way to salvation for all who believe. Those who receive Jesus Christ are born of the Holy Spirit and become children of God.

We believe that water baptism and the Lord’s Supper should be observed by the church. However, they are not a means to salvation.

We believe that the true church is made up of people, who by believing in Jesus Christ and having been renewed by the Holy Spirit, are united in the Body of Christ.

We believe that only those who are members of the true church can become members in the local church.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Head of the Church and that every local church has the right, under Christ, to conduct its own affairs.

We believe in the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and that this “Blessed Hope” impacts the personal life and actions of each believer.

We believe in the physical resurrection of the dead, where the believer will gain eternal life with the Lord and the unbeliever everlasting punishment.


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Daily Devo
Daily Devotional Journal
Sun, 31 December 2023

Sunday Journal

Past Week’s Review
  • What was my high point and my low point for the week?
  • What gave me life and what drained me?
  • How was the Spirit of God at work?

What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?


What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?
Commit in prayer.

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